Local and Regional Meetings

The Green Party of Saskatchewan is a grass-roots party. You can help, and you can make a difference!

The best way to get involved is through your Constituency Association. Go to the CA Contact Information page to find out who to contact in your constituency. If there isn’t a Constituency Association in your constituency yet, check in with the listed contact person to find out what’s happening, or if you’re really keen, offer to help set up a CA in your area. You can ask your CA contact person to let you know about upcoming meetings. You can also check the CA News page, but the information there is likely to be incomplete.


Or if you’d like to volunteer to help out in any other way, please contact us at info@saskgreen.ca.

The regional meetings that used to be held in Regina and Saskatoon are no longer taking place, because we’re encouraging people to work at the Constituency level for now.

Watch this website, or our open Facebook group for special meeting announcements.

Finally, plan to come out to the Annual Convention. Convention 2013 is taking place at the Craik Eco-Centre on Saturday, April 27. Visit our AGM page for more information.

GPS | PO Box 26001, Regina, SK  S4R 8R7 | 352-0219 | webmaster@saskgreen.ca