
Resolutions debated and adopted at the 2006 Annual General Meeting and Convention

2006.1    Be it resolved that all proceedings within the party and all actions that the party takes will reflect gender equity.

2006.2  Be it resolved that a tenth core principle on gender equity be added to the party's core principle list as follows:
Core principle #10: Gender equity
We value women and men equally.  We therefore support active and equal involvement of women in politics and encourage women in politics to assume positions of power.

2006.3 Be it resolved that this annual convention create a Green Party of Saskatchewan Platform Committee:
2022.3.1 to consist of the GPS Leader and no fewer than three additional GPS members to be selected by a separate resolution at this convention.

2022.3.2 to review all resolutions adopted by the GPS since its founding as the New Green Alliance in 1998 and to determine the core positions of the GPS as expressed in those resolutions as they apply to the Platform Issues to be identified by a separate resolution at this convention.

2022.3.3 to create a draft of both concise and more detailed statements articulating these GPS positions for presentation to the Saskatchewan electorate as the GPS Platform for the next general election.

2022.3.4 to present these draft platform statements for ratification by the membership of the GPS at a special General Membership Platform Ratification Meeting, or by some other democratic process to be determined by the GPS executive if an early election call makes a general membership meeting impractical.

2006.4 Be it resolved that this convention authorize the GPS executive to appoint an Election Campaign Readiness Committee consisting of representation from the GPS Executive, the GPS Platform Committee and other GPS members or GPS supporters with recognized competence to plan and execute a pre-election readiness process, and who would also co-ordinate the provincial campaign during a general election.

2006.5 Be it resolved that the primary objective of the new executive elected at Convention 2006 be to recruit 58 GPS candidates as soon as possible, for the next general election, and to involve these candidates in pre-election formation experiences using the experience and support of former GPS and GPC candidates.

2006.6 Be it resolved that the GPS positions on the following issues constitute the GPS Election Platform for the next general election:

2022.6.1 A fair-living-wage plan
2022.6.2 A Saskatchewan-owned sustainable energy plan
2022.6.3 Taxation Reform
2022.6.4 Agriculture, land use, food production and food processing
2022.6.5 Food security strategies for all citizens
2022.6.6 Abolish poverty and establish economic and social justice for all
2022.6.7 Promote treaty education for all citizens and actively ensure the respect for both the letter and spirit of treaties with Aboriginal Peoples
2022.6.8 Actively engage Aboriginal communities in planning strategies to ensure that Aboriginal Peoples receive the full benefits of being Saskatchewan citizens
2022.6.9 Promote an addictions-free and healthy living strategy
2022.6.10 Support a preventative health model and educate health professionals according to this model
2022.6.11 Reform Crown Corporations structures and strategies to ensure they serve Saskatchewan people and support a sound and sustainable environment
2022.6.12 Electoral Reforms, especially to establish a proportional representation system
2022.6.13 Expand support for early childhood education and better support for post-secondary education and training
2022.6.14 Limit and phase out the nuclear industry in Saskatchewan
2022.6.15 Create a comprehensive natural resources strategy for the whole province to focus on healthy land in forest, parkland and grassland areas, ground and surface water systems and clean air.
2022.6.16 Promote arts, culture and tourism as important aspects of Saskatchewan life and Saskatchewan’s economy.
2022.6.17 Support and improve the quality of life of Saskatchewan citizens who are affected by mental or physical difficulties and provide better support for in home and in-community living options
2022.6.18 Recognize the contributions of Seniors and provide the supports that will enable them to continue to be valued and contributing members of the community.
2022.6.19 Re-evaluate social and justice practices to ensure that children and youth are able to develop their full potentials in safe and emotionally supportive environments
2022.6.20 Promote gender equity measures in all areas of Saskatchewan life
2022.6.21 Reform the Saskatchewan Justice system in both civil and criminal areas introducing a “Restorative Justice” model and provide education in this model to people working in prevention, enforcement and rehabilitation, and bring necessary reforms to the areas of child protection and family law.
2022.6.22 Revise legislation to ensure that private and corporate ownership rights do not infringe on the common good and long-term health of the environment
2022.6.23 Immediately limit the spread of Intensive Livestock operations and enforce effective safeguards for the quality of life of people and the health of the environment.

Be it further resolved that the list may be refined by additions or deletions as suggested by the platform committee, to be ratified by convention or special general meeting of the members.

2006.7 Be it resolved that the GPS supports “Getting the Balance Right: Saskatchewan Alternative Budget, 2006 - 07", prepared by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Saskatchewan Office, and that a GPS government would introduce such a budget and enact other legislation to advance the social and economic and environmental goals contained in the Alternative Budget document.

(See background Information of Alternative Budget Highlights provided below)

From the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives- Saskatchewan
Getting the Balance Right:
2006 Alternative Provincial Budget Highlights

Total new spending: $957 million
Increased revenue from resource royalties: $1.04 billion
Projected Budget Surplus: $833 million
No more corporate tax give-aways
Reconsider the findings of the Business Tax Review Commission;
Undergo a comprehensive review of resource royalties with view to substantially increasing these rates.

Progressive tax relief
• New tax credit program for people who, after gaining employment, are in a transition period between social assistance and total independence;
• Additional resources to municipalities to offset regressive education property taxes.

Measures to Address Poverty
-- Increase Social Assistance rates by $70 to a total of $275/month and disability allowance by $50/month to $100/month;
- Eliminating the Transition to Employment Assistance (TEA) program and the Call Centre;
End National Child Benefit clawback and redistribute to Social Assistance recipients
-- Increase quantity and quality of government social housing units;
--Increase funding to Community-Based Organizations;
Money for a collaborative research project to investigate Basic Income Program for unconditional and universal assurance of an adequate income to every adult person.
New focus and re-investment in Health Care
Increase total Health budget by 10% for investments in primary health care and health prevention;

Address fee-for-service system that provides incentives for high-volume turnaround instead of health promotion and disease prevention by:
-- Expanding number of community health centres that employ salaried doctors;
-- Revising payment schedule for fee-for-service schedules to increase fees for services needed in the primary care model which emphasizes health
promotion and prevention; and reducing some specialist fees;

Increased funding for the promotion of healthy living and preventing chronic disease including more money for mental health services, programs to increase physical activity and access to nutritious food, and decrease substance abuse;

Implement Healthy Workplaces Strategy to address conditions in the workplace before they create chronic health problems;

Increase the number of full-time health care positions.

Re-investment in Education
Early Childhood Education
• Increase to Provincial Day care subsidies
• Investment in day care training and education
• Additional resources for special needs grants for day cares, day care equipment
• Increased funding for nutrition Programs and Staffing in the Community Schools

Kindergarten to Grade 12

Education property tax offset to bring provincial funding of education up to 60%
Increase in Foundation Operating Grants of $39 million
Increase of $36.9 million for additional capital expenditures
$9.2 million to community schools, plus an additional $600,000 for adequate nutrition costs; for a total of $9.8 million
$4.8 million for curriculum development

Post-Secondary Education
Tuition fees at universities, regional colleges and SIAST be cut in half over five years, beginning this year with a reduction of ten per cent;
Grants to defray cost of living expenses for low-income students and for rural post-secondary students who must live away from home are introduced; Co-op and other employment opportunities for students are expanded;
Funding for significantly more students to enroll in targeted SIAST programs is planned over the next five years;
Increase the maximum loan amount from $9,350 to $14,000 and reduce parental contributions to more realistic levels and have options to meet contribution expectations from future income;
Increase the funding to the Apprenticeship and Trade Certificate Program.

Other important initiatives
Support for local food systems, organic agriculture and environmental stewardship;
Strategies to address gender inequality and violence against women;
Initiatives that address problems in our Justice system; Measures to address inequality faced by Aboriginal people and people with disabilities;
Important initiatives in the cultural sector.

2006.8   Be it resolved that plants that have the genetically engineered terminator gene be banned from Saskatchewan. 

2006.9   Be it resolved that before the release or introduction of any nano-particles into consumer products or nature, a full environmental / health impact assessment be conducted on each nanotechnology creation to determine if it could have negative impacts.

2006.10  Be it resolved that the “Policy Proposal: A Geen Energy Program for Saskatchewan” prepared by John Warnock be adopted in principle as a  general GPS policy paper: (Draft Policy follows)

Draft Policy Proposal: A Green Energy Program for Saskatchewan


While the New Green Alliance/Green Party of Saskatchewan has developed an alternative energy proposal for the province, there is a need for a broad overall strategy. With the rise in gasoline prices and natural gas for home heating, the general public is finally becoming aware of some of the issues. Given that the three major political parties are stuck in the business as usual strategy, this is a good time for the Greens to set forth a real alternative. It will allow the Greens to establish a policy position that is clearly different from the so-called “green” NDP government in the next provincial election.

Why should we be concerned about energy in energy-rich Saskatchewan?

The extraction of conventional oil in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) peaked in 1971 and is in decline. This is very evident in Saskatchewan.

Natural gas reserves peaked in 1984 in the WCSB, and the production “treadmill” has set in. More wells have to be drilled every year just to maintain a steady production.The Shackleton basin in Saskatchewan is only a small blip in this general trend.

Under the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (1989) and NAFTA (1994), the United States has guaranteed access to a fixed share of Canada’s oil and gas resources.

Since Brian Mulroney’s government deregulated the National Energy Board, private corporations in the oil and gas industry have been shipping these non-renewable resources to the United States as fast as they can. At the Western Premiers conference in 2003, the four western premiers (including Lorne Calvert) endorsed George W. Bush’s call for a new continental energy pact to increase Canadian energy exports to the United States. Recently Lorne Calvert and Eric Cline went to Washington to promote greater exports.

Global warming and climate change are a reality, and scientists predict that the North American plains area will be one of the hardest hit. This is already evident in Saskatchewan. .

The Kyoto Accord on Climate Change was strongly opposed by the NDP government in Saskatchewan and the two opposition political parties. Since 1990 the province has produced the highest increase in greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.

Since 1982 Saskatchewan governments have been steadily reducing the royalties and taxes paid by the corporations for the extraction and sale of the province’s oil and natural gas.

The present Saskatchewan NDP government’s policy is to assist the owners of the oil and gas corporations in their quest to maximize profits. This policy is supported by the two main opposition parties. There is no policy in place to protect the energy needs of the present Saskatchewan population, let alone future generations. There is no planning for the end of affordable natural gas for heating homes.

An Alternate Green Policy

All the following proposals for a new direction in energy policy would be implemented within the context of the broad Green principles of open decision making, government transparency, participatory democracy, democratization of public enterprises, and decentralization where feasible. All citizens have a right to a direct involvement in decision making. Green principles reject the dominant government view that only “stakeholders” have any right to participate in decision making. Greens are also committed to full cost pricing of all energy sources and ending all subsidies to the fossil fuel and nuclear industries.

(1) Policy on oil and natural gas.

The government must strive to gain control over these industries in order to put a priority on the needs of present and future generations of Saskatchewan citizens.

As a first step, the government would create a provincial energy conservation board to cover these industries. All corporate sales would have to be made to the government agency, which would control further sales, prices, profits and resource rents going to the provincial government. Alberta has such a board at presented, and B.C. has had one to control the natural gas industry. We have the model of Canpotex in Saskatchewan, which markets all potash sales.

The government would re-establish Sask Oil as a Crown corporation. The long term goal would be to gain ownership and control over the provincial oil and gas resources.

The general principles which were in the Saskatchewan Mining and Development Corporation Act would be re-installed: all new oil and gas developments in the province would be open to 50% ownership by Sask Oil. This policy works well in the oil and gas industry in Norway.

The province would raise the royalty rates on oil up to the average level that they were during the government of Allan Blakeney (1971-82), or 50% of sales. With the dramatic increase in the world price of oil, unrelated to costs of extraction, this is a reasonable royalty rate.

The province would raise the royalty rates on natural gas up to the levels that existed in Saskatchewan in the past. Royalties should rise with the price of natural gas so that windfall economic rents (excess profits) go to the general public.

The Saskatchewan government would phase out the export of oil and natural gas to the United States and retain our rapidly dwindling resources for the use of the province and its population.

The province would re-establish the Saskatchewan Heritage Fund to capture some (perhaps one-half) of the royalties from the depletion of oil and natural gas for future Saskatchewan generations. This policy works well today in Alaska and Norway. Capital collected in this fund would be invested in renewable energy development, as in Norway.

The province would merge Sask Power and Sask Energy and give the Crown corporation control over natural gas development and distribution within the province. Priority would be to conserve natural gas for home heating and local business needs, and this would require the phasing out of exports to the United States.

(2) Electrical power.

The province would progressively move to reduce the use of coal for the generation of electricity. This would involve a broad and diversified approach which would include those alternatives that have been identified by the Saskatchewan Energy Conservation and Development Agency (SECDA), abolished by the NDP government. Whereas the oil and gas industries are highly capital intensive and employ relatively few, the alternate energy industries are highly labour intensive. A shift from the fossil fuel industries would result in a major increase in employment.

Conservation would be a first priority, including the retrofitting of residences and businesses, financed by borrowing by Sask Power. This would include retrofitting all older housing in the inner cities as well as good appropriate housing in Northern and rural Saskatchewan. New housing standards would require R-2000 levels of insulation.

Greens would greatly expand wind power, at least up to the level of 1500 megawatts as proposed by SECDA. Decentralization and private wind generators would be encouraged.

The province would actively promote a major investment in passive and active solar energy, one of the major Saskatchewan advantages that remains undeveloped by the business-as-usual approach of recent provincial governments.

Biomass energy must be developed. SECDA identified a potential of 850 MW from crop residues and 1600 MW from forest product wastes. Fast growing trees and switchgrass can be developed for substitution for coal.
Given the threat of climate change, and the need to shift to alternative energy sources, the present system operated by Sask Power would have to be decentralized.

Demand management programs, in existence across North America, would be implemented to encourage energy conservation, including progressively pricing consumption.

The Green approach would reject nuclear power as too dangerous and too expensive. It cannot exist without major government subsidies.

(3) Transportation alternatives.

The province would actively promote good, affordable public transportation, in urban and in rural areas. Using full cost pricing, the province would encourage people to reduce their reliance on private automobiles for personal transportation and pleasure. The province would actively encourage the re-development of a railway system.

The province would provide major incentives to end urban sprawl development and shift to Smart Growth strategies. This would require some re-development in many suburban areas.

Drafted by John W. Warnock

2006.11   Be it resolved that the GPS executive prepare and issue a press release reaffirming our position to strongly oppose the development of the uranium mining and nuclear industry in Saskatchewan.

2006.12   Be it resolved that the executive of the GPS form a communiction team at this convention to be in charge of drafting and putting out press releases in accordance with GPS policy

2006.13     Be it resolved that the GPS make a serious effort to achieve gender parity among candidates for political office.

2006.14  AND just as Greens around the world have adopted dual leadership as a fair and democratic way to govern,
Be it resolved that the GPS will engage in a period of research (from October 14, 2006 to the date of the 2007 AGM) to review the practice of dual leadership and to present an in depth report to be published in the Weaver within 30 days of the 2007 AGM. The report will provide the necessary background information for members to make an informed decision at the 2007 AGM. This engagement will include the commitment to vote without further delay on the practice of dual leadership at this same AGM. The resolution to be voted on subject to amendments by the research committee is presently the following:
" Be it resolved that the GPS will elect dual leaders (one man and one woman) as a first step in the practice of gender parity. If passed, this amendment will go into effect immediately, initiating the party's first election of dual leaders. In the event that two candidates cannot be found, the party will attempt to fill the vacant position at the next general meeting. "